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Research Development From Panda Fastener

The primary objective of our R&D lies in promoting crossover research between the global trends in the fasteners industry and the go-to market strategy provided for our clients.

Panda Fastener R&D: monitoring changes from a medium to long-term perspective

Our main objective enables us to combine manufacturing technologies and concepts with our own and work with them as a team to produce safe and durable fasteners. In addition, by assimilating insights and disseminating new results horizontally, our research and development activities become more efficient and effective.
Our competences

Expertise cover all parts of the development cycle

In-depth industry & market report                                                                                                                                  Complete technology support

Panda fastener has more than 20 years of experience in the industry and can                                                     Our engineers specialize in understanding market challenges and

provide a high level of competence in dealing with our customers’                                                                          demands, and are focused on producing best-in-fasteners for our

challenges. We have ample knowledge and skills to successfully conduct                                                               customers. A great combination of functionality, color and material is

a promotion study in the client’s target market, provide suggestions on                                                                 what makes our advanced solutions for clients’ brands. This includes

fasteners procurement, or do any other task required by our clients.                                                                      intelligence protection, which is an important part of strengthening our


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